Hey folks, things are well and good with the Palmquists.
We're all gearing up for Joey's first day of school on Monday so things are a little crazy. Even more so because Danny's been working nearly full time hours. Which is great for us until I go back to work. But a little crazy making since Joey and I have such similar personalities that we kind of rub each other the wrong way when confined together for extended periods of time. Danny tends to come home to us stressed out and needing a break from one another but with her in school I am much more confident in retaining my sanity until I go back to work and get some regular grown up interaction again. In the mean time, I'm hoping to have some free time at home while the little one is napping to get back to crafting. I have so many things planned in my head.
Here are some photos that a friend took for us of our little ones! Enjoy!!