Sometimes, having the extra energy from not waiting tables anymore, is so nice. As stressful as it is when folks don't show up, I was refreshed by having other people step up and help out today and fill in those gaps. I am able to love people more the less I'm working in a direct serving role. My job at the church is totally a serving role but I'm not being inundated by people wanting more from me with no regard for what it does to me. I am surrounded by people who love me and want me to succeed.
And now that I'm taking the time to step back and allowing myself to take some space when I need it, I'm seeing more people's willingness to be involved whereas before I would've just done myself and then been irritated that no one wanted to step up. I'm seeing now that if I want to have others help out, I need to express my limits and just do it all myself. But as I'm doing this, I'm seeing more people step up and volunteer. It's been really helpful to my view of Christian community.
Then, I got home and took a nap while Joey napped. After that, Danny got home from is adventures this afternoon, and we had a quick PB&J dinner and were off to the grocery store. I was able to really focus on what I was buying and got things that I really needed. Lately, I've been finding myself one or two key ingredients short of a recipe(UGH). But today, I had a very specific list and Danny hung out in the Starbucks and studied while Joey and I shopped. I got all the fixin's for bean burritos, chicken tikka masala, grilled cheese and tomato soup, spagettios(sp.) were Joey's request for the week and some other little leftover makeover meals. Yay me! I feel like I'm getting my brain in order. I even got a laundry bag so that I can do laundry again and actually get the laundry down the stairs without Danny's help. So that's my little victory for the day, a successful shopping trip. Woo Hoo!
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