Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cravings & Gender surprises

So for the most part, I have been much lighter on the cravings this pregnancy than I was with our precious Joey.  With her I craved Taco Bell & ice cream all through the pregnancy and on through nursing.  This time, I haven't had any serious cravings really.  A few bouts of, 'you know I could really go for some guacamole' or 'hey, i don't feel like cooking can we go out.' but no, 'I need such and such right now' kind of cravings. But today, I am craving a cocktail (total no-no), I know.  Luckily, I am a bartender by trade (or at least I was until recently),and I have a few good tricks up my sleeve for good 'mock'tails. So, since the hubby is out anyway, I sent him for provisions.  Simple 'mock'tail recipe: equal parts pomegranate juice and club soda, & a splash of fresh lime juice or if you have sour mix around, that works too.  So, hopefully, I can top off my night with one of those and I'll be a happy lady!

So, both Danny and I have been feeling like we were for sure having a boy this go around and we've been planning for what we'd do since most of our baby stuff is pink or girlie in nature.  So we went into our ultrasound yesterday expecting to see some little boy parts.  We were surprised to find a very showy little girl hiding in there.  She flashed us her bits a couple of times just so we'd be sure, I think.  So, in about 19 weeks or so we'll be welcoming our second little princess into this world.  Norah Dawn is our working title.  Joey's certainly excited about it though.  She's been pretty consistent about wanting a girl baby.  Though, thankfully, she's given up on wanting to name her Mary Poppins. 
Now, I'm trying to explain the concept of hand-me-downs to Joey since all of her things will be passed down to her little sister.  I am excited about not having to buy all new things for the little one on our already tight budget.  And plus with their birthday's so close, I should (in theory) be able to use all of Joey's things again since they'll be in season at just the right time.  I know that this little one could be built totally different from Joey or I could go into labor way early and render this plan useless but I'm hopeful.

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