I must say being without advanced technology at home has been rather refreshing. We're getting so much done. We've gone through every box in the house. We've cleared out so much crap. We found lost loved items. We even found an old Raggedy Andy doll that used to belong to Danny's dad, that Joey has quickly fallen in love with and calls Andy Dandy.
I organized all of our old baby clothes from when Joey was a wee one. Now I just have to go through the new hand-me-downs that I've been too overwhelmed to get to yet. I'm super pumped. I found three nursing bras amongst all the baby clothes along with two pairs of maternity jeans and two pairs of maternity Capri's and one pair of maternity shorts and three of my favorite tops from the last go round. Oh man, what a score!! I was so stoked!! I think I actually squealed.
I got all of Joey's clothes organized in drawers at her height and she's very excited about being able to get herself dressed. She still needs a bit of help making sure shirts are on the right way front and that shoes are on the right feet but she's getting pretty good at it. Now if only I could get her to focus on learning what all the letters in the alphabet song look like. She seems totally content on just knowing the letters and never learning to recognize them. A little frustrating but we have time still.
Got to visit with my family on Father's Day and it was a blast. Joey and my sister Maggie spent 3 straight hours playing with the hose, two buckets and two dish soap bottles. They only took one short break for brownies and that was it. They had such a blast and it was awesome fun to watch. I was really glad that I had that SPF 60 for her though. She is just so fair skinned and never seems to pick up any color. Not even a freckle.
I've got an ultrasound next week. It seems our little Norah has decided that she has to be different from her sister. She was breech at our last appointment (and in our last ultrasound) and the OBGYN wants to double check on her position as we get closer. Fun Stuff. At least we were already planning on a repeat c-section. So it doesn't change our plans much. It just really helps ease our minds more than anything that our sense that this was the path that we were supposed to take. And that those urgings that Danny and I felt from God way back at the beginning of this pregnancy were accurate. Yay God!
Oh well, I'm off. The hubs will be picking me up from work soon and off we'll go.
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