So, things have been looking up at the Palm Tree House. Danny's doing well at his job, I'm plugging away at mine. Coupon-ing has been helping us keep our budget under control. And I'm on a mission do see where in our budget I can trim even more fat. Here are my next two steps:
I found a recipe for household cleaner that has all edible components, has a nice smell, and I can buy all the ingredients using my SNAP benefits which means less money coming out of my out of pocket expenses.
To make simple household cleaner combine one part vinegar to four parts hot water, mix in fresh grapefruit juice and baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes.
Recipe from Pittman & Davis.
I have baking soda around for baking, I got three grapefruits on sale at the store the other day and I just got two gallons of white vinegar at Sam's Club for $4. I think I'll be set for a while! A container of "green" cleaner usually runs about $6 but I just got supplies to make probably a years worth for $6. I call that a win!
Next, I found a tutorial for making stiff fabric storage bins for Joey's room using things I already have around the house. (That counts as free to me) And it'll help me (and her) to keep her room clean. I'm hoping cleaner will help baby proofing to be easier. My goal is for the girls to be sharing a room but right now the room is barely big enough for one girl let alone two once Norah is more mobile.
Well, I'm off; the baby needs to eat!
I like that! Yeah baking soda and vinegar is the wonder combo. And I recall that grapefruit seed oil was an anti-fungal....and you get that citrus scent!