So, I've been feeling like a lazy bum lately. I've been feeling really tired physically but I'm trying to keep active but it's been really hard the past few days. This makes me feel yucky in general. Then I was thinking about it and I've actually been doing a lot but it's all research type stuff(which is why I'm not feeling active).
Danny and I are trying to spend the little time that he has off between semesters to try and get a plan in place for May. So, as it stands now. We're getting applications and such on hand for when we move. I'm looking into places to live and trying to keep to our set budget. I've also bee researching moving companies and have been trying to plan our route out there. I want to be able to visit folks along the way if we can and see some sites perhaps.
I'm also looking into cloth diapers and I've found all the materials that I need to make them here, and I can make them waterproof too. I should be able to use most of my fabric scraps that I already have and will only have to purchase some diaper specific materials. Like snaps to make them one size fits all, velco for the closure, the Waterproof PUL fabric, extra elastic and microfiber terry cloth for the soaker pads. When the time coms of course. This of course will depend on whether or not we can find a place out there with it's own laundry. I'm not going to wash diapers in a shared laundry, it's just rude I think.
I've got loads of ideas. I just need to make sure that I formulate a cohesive plan and actually put it into action and not just wing it like I have a tendency to do.
One thing that really makes me happy is knowing that unless we're having a boy, I have almost everything that I need already for this baby. All we really need is a new diaper bag since ours is falling apart and Danny and I have chosen one that's really nice and pretty gender neutral. We got one last time that was all synthetic materials and it's just fallen apart. This one's way more expensive than the last one that we got but it's washable and it'll hold up better I think and I'm hoping we can find something less expensive but I we need a diaper bag that Danny's going to actually use so it might be worth it.
Then Danny and I might need a sit and stand stroller too since Joey's really into walking by herself so I think we'll make do with what we have for now at least but I did find a sit and stand stroller that we like should we get one. And obviously we're not buying anything until we're out in CO, we don't want to buy stuff just to have to pay to haul it across the country.
So, we're pretty gung ho about moving in May/June. The only thing that could hold us back at this point will be if some health problems come up during this pregnancy. Which is a possibility. I still haven't been able to drop the 70lbs I gained after that first Doctor put my on Birth Control. I have been able to get down to 5-10lbs below my pre-Joey weight but I seem to be stuck right around there. I'm hoping to try and not gain any weight this pregnancy. But I'm still a little worried about gestational diabetes since it does run in the family, but I'm withholding my fear for a little while. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. - Darrell Scott
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I'm thinking again...Let's see how this goes
So, I was asking around on Facebook about what cloth diapers were the best and most cost effective. A friend suggested that I just make some myself. I don't know why I hadn't thought of this. I've been poking around different websites with patterns and instructions and have been trying to figure it all out. I think I may be onto something now though. I found one woman who made diapers for FREE!!! she used fabric she had around the house. I have tons of fabric around the house. They recommended using terry cloth layered with flannel and/or wool for the soaker pads, using micro-fleece and flannel layered for the outsides. I have so many ideas now, and all using fabrics and extra towels that I have laying around the house. I even found a bunch of free patterns on-line in all different sizes. I think the only thing that I'd absolutely have to buy would be either snaps or hook & loop for the closures.
I told Danny about what I found and he agreed that if we find a place out in CO that comes with it's own laundry, that we will for sure consider it. I'm so excited. Diapers for Joey run us like $50+ a month. And the rough part is that I can't even buy off brand because Joey has really sensitive skin (like her mommy, ugh) and all but one brand give her really bad diaper rash. But I am excited about this concept. I'll even be able to make her training pants that I'll be able to re-use for baby number 2. It's really going to depend on what kind of place we get in CO though. We just can't expect to wash diapers in a shared laundry like we have now.
And of course, if we have tour own laundry space, I can start making my own laundry soap. Another friend gave me a bunch of recipes for homemade laundry soap that are a huge money saver and if I have the space to keep a 5 gallon bucket of laundry soap somewhere, I will. Oh that nesting brain is kicking in already, I can feel it. I want to make and clean and everything all RIGHT NOW!!! AHHH!!!! But I'm restraining myself. At least for a little while. We have so much to do to prepare to move. I have plenty on my to-do list. I just need a game plan.
I told Danny about what I found and he agreed that if we find a place out in CO that comes with it's own laundry, that we will for sure consider it. I'm so excited. Diapers for Joey run us like $50+ a month. And the rough part is that I can't even buy off brand because Joey has really sensitive skin (like her mommy, ugh) and all but one brand give her really bad diaper rash. But I am excited about this concept. I'll even be able to make her training pants that I'll be able to re-use for baby number 2. It's really going to depend on what kind of place we get in CO though. We just can't expect to wash diapers in a shared laundry like we have now.
And of course, if we have tour own laundry space, I can start making my own laundry soap. Another friend gave me a bunch of recipes for homemade laundry soap that are a huge money saver and if I have the space to keep a 5 gallon bucket of laundry soap somewhere, I will. Oh that nesting brain is kicking in already, I can feel it. I want to make and clean and everything all RIGHT NOW!!! AHHH!!!! But I'm restraining myself. At least for a little while. We have so much to do to prepare to move. I have plenty on my to-do list. I just need a game plan.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Crazy days of Christmas...
It's only Tuesday but I feel like it's so much further in the week. Danny and I went to Target to get the some of the last of Joey's Christmas presents last night. She's been asking for a new piggy bank since she broke her old one, so we found her a cute on. The only thing that we want to get for her still is an easel and they have one just her size at IKEA for $15 so I think we're going to try and get that this week. I got Danny some little surprises for Christmas day and I've been really good and I haven't tried to open my present yet. I may actually make it until Christmas.
I had my obGyn appointment today. They say that I am indeed pregnant and I have an ultra sound appointment set for next Wednesday to get a more accurate due date since I'm not positive of which Friday of two possible to use to get the accurate measurement. So, we'll have a for sure due date next week. Then my next obGyn appointment will be in January so that I can get what I need to sign up for WIC again. Which I am totally stoked to do again, especially since I found an office here in West Haven that I can go to instead of having to fight with downtown New Haven traffic.
Danny and I are still trying to figure out what to do about our plans for Colorado. Right now I think we're still thinking that we're going to move in May or June barring any medical complications on my part, I think. I think one of our biggest fears at this point is whether or not we'll be able to get health care in time for the birth. Particularly since I'm not so much a fan or going for a VBAC and a C-Section is rather costly.
I had my obGyn appointment today. They say that I am indeed pregnant and I have an ultra sound appointment set for next Wednesday to get a more accurate due date since I'm not positive of which Friday of two possible to use to get the accurate measurement. So, we'll have a for sure due date next week. Then my next obGyn appointment will be in January so that I can get what I need to sign up for WIC again. Which I am totally stoked to do again, especially since I found an office here in West Haven that I can go to instead of having to fight with downtown New Haven traffic.
Danny and I are still trying to figure out what to do about our plans for Colorado. Right now I think we're still thinking that we're going to move in May or June barring any medical complications on my part, I think. I think one of our biggest fears at this point is whether or not we'll be able to get health care in time for the birth. Particularly since I'm not so much a fan or going for a VBAC and a C-Section is rather costly.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Big News...
This Palm Trio is soon to be a Quartet. Danny and I just found out that we're expecting baby number two probably sometime in August. I know family, one more August baby. For those of you who don't know...nearly everyone in our family has an August birthday. My father and grandfather, my sister and mother-in-law, my daughter and now, our newest little is due in August and our newest niece or nephew is due in August as well. That's a lot of August babies.
I have my doctor's appointment to confirm this little's estimated arrival time tomorrow afternoon. It's rather fortuitous that I already had a yearly appointment set up just when I'm due to hit 8 weeks. Joey and Danny want a little girl but I want to have a little boy with curly brown hair like his Daddy. I'm looking forward to being pregnant again. I really enjoyed myself last time, until the last month or so. But this pregnancy is already shaping up to be very different than my first.
More to come later as we get more news and what-not. But that's all for now.
I have my doctor's appointment to confirm this little's estimated arrival time tomorrow afternoon. It's rather fortuitous that I already had a yearly appointment set up just when I'm due to hit 8 weeks. Joey and Danny want a little girl but I want to have a little boy with curly brown hair like his Daddy. I'm looking forward to being pregnant again. I really enjoyed myself last time, until the last month or so. But this pregnancy is already shaping up to be very different than my first.
More to come later as we get more news and what-not. But that's all for now.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Crazy day...
So today has been a mad rush. I've been cleaning and sewing and all kinds of madness. I finished sewing Joey's dress or so I thought. Turns out the measurements that I took of her have changed in two days. She's somehow skinnier now than she was when I measured her. Ugh. Now I gotta fix it somehow. I think I'm gonna try to do some thick straps or something. Maybe if I turn the heat up on the iron it'll shrink the elastic some more and it'll hold up. I also got cracking on my Christmas dress and got it half cut out and I need to finish up the cutting out tomorrow.
I really need to get cracking on finishing up my Christmas presents. Danny and I keep saying that we're going to do it and we never get to it.
I am super excited for the Holidays coming up. Our Christmas plans start tomorrow. Joey and I are gonna be making up some sugar cookies with a friend and her little one. So exciting, and then on Saturday we're all going to watch a fun little Christmas movie with another friend. Then on Sunday we have a church potluck and then early family Christmas with Danny's folks and his sister and brother-in-law. I've got all the little presents done for Sunday but I do still need to finish my dress and finish up the big presents.
Ok, I need to go clean up dinner and stuff. Tootles!
I really need to get cracking on finishing up my Christmas presents. Danny and I keep saying that we're going to do it and we never get to it.
I am super excited for the Holidays coming up. Our Christmas plans start tomorrow. Joey and I are gonna be making up some sugar cookies with a friend and her little one. So exciting, and then on Saturday we're all going to watch a fun little Christmas movie with another friend. Then on Sunday we have a church potluck and then early family Christmas with Danny's folks and his sister and brother-in-law. I've got all the little presents done for Sunday but I do still need to finish my dress and finish up the big presents.
Ok, I need to go clean up dinner and stuff. Tootles!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Manic Monday
I got a lot accomplished today. I made frozen breakfast burritos for those mornings when I forget to eat before running out the door. I sorted through all of Joey's clothes and made two whole garbage bags full of clothes that don't fit her anymore that I plan to get to Salvation Army at some point. I put all of our clean laundry away too and even found enough quarters for one more load of laundry. I made pasta and meatballs for dinner in the crock pot. I had some other things planned but Joey started going a little nuts towards the end of the night and I kinda lost my steam and now I don't feel good. I was going to try and get a shower tonight but I think I'm going to put it of until morning.
Danny got my Christmas present in the mail today but won't let me see it or know what it is. I kinda want to go hunting for it. I know it's around here somewhere. But I'd like to have something to open on Christmas too. I guess I'll just have to try to be patient (not my strong suit).
Danny got my Christmas present in the mail today but won't let me see it or know what it is. I kinda want to go hunting for it. I know it's around here somewhere. But I'd like to have something to open on Christmas too. I guess I'll just have to try to be patient (not my strong suit).
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Late Night Ramblings
So, I have this funny little new habit of watching instant movies before bed when I don't have to be up early and they always lead to pondering. I love a good movie that leads to some good pondering. So, one thing I've never been good at in life is throwing things away. I much prefer to reuse and re-purpose and usually this is a very good thing and not one that I intend to give up anytime soon. But as I've not moved very many times in the span of my lifetime, I tend to accumulate a lot of crap. All stuff that my artist mind sees potential in and a purpose for. I have a very hard time letting go.
But (there's always a but isn't there?), Danny and I are on a mission to relinquish as much of our junk as possible before we move. For several reasons: One, it will probably cost nearly as much to move it all to Colorado as it would to purchase something fresh once we're there. Two, we see this journey as a fresh start of sorts and bring along all of our physical baggage wouldn't so much be helpful. Three, a purge every now and again is a good thing. Four, living more plainly could only lead to good things. Five, when Christ speaks of selling all you have and giving to the poor, he's not only speaking metaphorically.
This year Danny and I are on a mission to hand make as many of our Christmas presents for folks as we can, this is helping to clear some of our stores of 'useful' items. I have also gotten Joey in on the act and she's been hand making her gifts to the family (with a little help from mom).
I would like to find a consignment shop that will take my handmade fairs off of my hands, and actually be able to sell them (if only weren't so pricey sometimes). In all fairness, their prices are actually reasonable but my priority has to be keeping my family warm and fed. There never seems to be any money left over after all that. I wish it weren't always that way but then again, just one more reason we're moving.
So, what brought on all this pondering you might ask. Well, I was watching Confessions of a Shopaholic. And the main character spends the whole movie trying to learn the difference between cost and worth. A big lesson for anyone, I think. I honestly hope that I can get this one down someday. Because, I definitely don't have it yet.
I can know how much something costs and the things that are worth most to me are not the most expensive, I have a different problem. I attribute too much worth to things that cost me little to nothing at all. I figure, if I can turn something that cost nothing to me into something of greater value, then it's worth all the world.
Now, this idea works great in Kingdom Theology (just to drop a little Christian-ese on you all). Where all is gained when all is lost and the thing that should be worth all the world actually costs us nothing at all. But how much can we expect this to be a part of our lives in the world? Does Kingdom Theology in this aspect have any practical and tangible repercussions on how we live our lives? And, if so, how does one gather the strength to keep trying to let go when all the world tells us to hang on for dear life?
I'm trying to hard to throw away...and give away...and get rid of...and, and, and. But I'm just finding it so diffficult. I've never been much of a person interested in having the newest and coolest and funnest toys. I do enjoy it when I am able to have something nice, but to me it matters more that it was gotten at the best price possible and is it the product that will last the longest. Not, the most horrible thing granted, but where do you draw the line between cost and worth? At what point did it take more time finding the bargain than it was actually worth it? And when do you force yourself to draw the line and say, enough is enough?
Where that line is, is a total difference between Danny and I. I'll push on the the dear end searching for a better deal, and Danny has no problem saying, "You know what it's worth the possible extra X amount of dollars to just not have to worry about it anymore." I don't think I have that switch. Yet, I think that having such a switch would make this whole purging thing so much easier. I'm at the point where all I can say is, "I don't know how to do this. I really have no idea how this is done, someone needs to help me." And of course admitting that I need help is not something that I am terribly good at either.
But (there's always a but isn't there?), Danny and I are on a mission to relinquish as much of our junk as possible before we move. For several reasons: One, it will probably cost nearly as much to move it all to Colorado as it would to purchase something fresh once we're there. Two, we see this journey as a fresh start of sorts and bring along all of our physical baggage wouldn't so much be helpful. Three, a purge every now and again is a good thing. Four, living more plainly could only lead to good things. Five, when Christ speaks of selling all you have and giving to the poor, he's not only speaking metaphorically.
This year Danny and I are on a mission to hand make as many of our Christmas presents for folks as we can, this is helping to clear some of our stores of 'useful' items. I have also gotten Joey in on the act and she's been hand making her gifts to the family (with a little help from mom).
I would like to find a consignment shop that will take my handmade fairs off of my hands, and actually be able to sell them (if only weren't so pricey sometimes). In all fairness, their prices are actually reasonable but my priority has to be keeping my family warm and fed. There never seems to be any money left over after all that. I wish it weren't always that way but then again, just one more reason we're moving.
So, what brought on all this pondering you might ask. Well, I was watching Confessions of a Shopaholic. And the main character spends the whole movie trying to learn the difference between cost and worth. A big lesson for anyone, I think. I honestly hope that I can get this one down someday. Because, I definitely don't have it yet.
I can know how much something costs and the things that are worth most to me are not the most expensive, I have a different problem. I attribute too much worth to things that cost me little to nothing at all. I figure, if I can turn something that cost nothing to me into something of greater value, then it's worth all the world.
Now, this idea works great in Kingdom Theology (just to drop a little Christian-ese on you all). Where all is gained when all is lost and the thing that should be worth all the world actually costs us nothing at all. But how much can we expect this to be a part of our lives in the world? Does Kingdom Theology in this aspect have any practical and tangible repercussions on how we live our lives? And, if so, how does one gather the strength to keep trying to let go when all the world tells us to hang on for dear life?
I'm trying to hard to throw away...and give away...and get rid of...and, and, and. But I'm just finding it so diffficult. I've never been much of a person interested in having the newest and coolest and funnest toys. I do enjoy it when I am able to have something nice, but to me it matters more that it was gotten at the best price possible and is it the product that will last the longest. Not, the most horrible thing granted, but where do you draw the line between cost and worth? At what point did it take more time finding the bargain than it was actually worth it? And when do you force yourself to draw the line and say, enough is enough?
Where that line is, is a total difference between Danny and I. I'll push on the the dear end searching for a better deal, and Danny has no problem saying, "You know what it's worth the possible extra X amount of dollars to just not have to worry about it anymore." I don't think I have that switch. Yet, I think that having such a switch would make this whole purging thing so much easier. I'm at the point where all I can say is, "I don't know how to do this. I really have no idea how this is done, someone needs to help me." And of course admitting that I need help is not something that I am terribly good at either.
late night,
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wintery wonderful snacks...
Today I made took my second crack at homemade marshmallows. I DID IT! I actually made marshmallows. I even made them in holiday shapes and saved the scraps to float in hot chocolate. Which of course prompted me to make some yummy hot chocolate. Joey's still working on getting those last yummy drops out of her big girl mug. I love making things from scratch. It's especially nice when my treats are met with such enthusiasm from the family.
My goal for tomorrow is to make some homemade frozen burritos. I'm going to make some lunch/dinner style ones as well as some breakfast burritos. I got the idea from a friends blog Twinkling Along. I bought some large tortillas at Sam's today and I'm soaking some beans right now. I'm going to blend some up with some queso dip for easy spreading. I may even try to make some meatball pizza style burritos, just for some variety. Today, I totally forgot to eat before jetting off to work, and I do it far too often. I need to eat real food in the morning so I'm not raging with hunger when I get home.
I'm also working on knitting myself a new scarf for the season and I want to figure out how to knit gloves or mittens and slippers. I've got some lovely thin yarns that will make great mittens for myself and Joey, I just have to figure it out. It's the thumb hole that really baffles me but I just must figure it out. I want so much to be able to make mittens and slippers for my little one. I have some lovely vinyl that will make great bottoms for the slippers so she's not slipping and sliding all over the floor. I also want to make a pair for my little sister but I need to get the figuring done first.
But Joey and I finished making ornaments for her to give as gifts to all the family. I let her paint them herself and she had such a blast. I think she might even still have a few bits of paint hanging out on her hands from it but a thorough scrub down in on the agenda for her for tomorrow. Ok, I'm off, I got started on her Christmas dress today too. The skirt I'm using is longer than I remember, I make even be able to use a little to trim up the black wrap dress that I'm planning on making for myself for Christmas.
My goal for tomorrow is to make some homemade frozen burritos. I'm going to make some lunch/dinner style ones as well as some breakfast burritos. I got the idea from a friends blog Twinkling Along. I bought some large tortillas at Sam's today and I'm soaking some beans right now. I'm going to blend some up with some queso dip for easy spreading. I may even try to make some meatball pizza style burritos, just for some variety. Today, I totally forgot to eat before jetting off to work, and I do it far too often. I need to eat real food in the morning so I'm not raging with hunger when I get home.
I'm also working on knitting myself a new scarf for the season and I want to figure out how to knit gloves or mittens and slippers. I've got some lovely thin yarns that will make great mittens for myself and Joey, I just have to figure it out. It's the thumb hole that really baffles me but I just must figure it out. I want so much to be able to make mittens and slippers for my little one. I have some lovely vinyl that will make great bottoms for the slippers so she's not slipping and sliding all over the floor. I also want to make a pair for my little sister but I need to get the figuring done first.
But Joey and I finished making ornaments for her to give as gifts to all the family. I let her paint them herself and she had such a blast. I think she might even still have a few bits of paint hanging out on her hands from it but a thorough scrub down in on the agenda for her for tomorrow. Ok, I'm off, I got started on her Christmas dress today too. The skirt I'm using is longer than I remember, I make even be able to use a little to trim up the black wrap dress that I'm planning on making for myself for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Obama tax compromise
So Danny and I have been on the edge of our seats for a while hoping that Senate would come to some kind of agreement for our sakes. Since I've still not been able to find a full time job yet and we'd really like to be able to follow God's call for us to CO and our hope is to use about half of our tax refund check to pay off some debt and get in the good graces of our utility companies once again.
Now, since I've not been working much really our income is down quite a bit from last year but I intentionally don't declare all of our exemptions that we're allowed because I always feel that I'd rather be owed a refund then have to come up with a payment last minute. It also forces me to save my thoughts of wants for big purchases which usually cuts my wants down by half or more.
I'm determined to make the most of our money but at the same time, I don't want to just buy things because I'm getting a good deal.
Danny and I are currently trying to purge the house of all unnecessary 'things' in preparation to move 2/3 of the way across the country. We're going to be giving things away and selling things of value and in hopes that CO can be a fresh start for us. A leaner lifestyle for us, learning to repurpose things that either don't fit anymore or things that get damaged, learning to buy less, learning to save more when we do buy.
God says that when we are good stewards of what he blesses us with, He will be faithful and provide. To me that means, that debt begets more debt and frugalness should beget fruitfulness. This is of course, is just a theory of mine that I've not known firsthand to be true for a long time now.
I was just moved my the President's address today, and I just had to write something. Since, I've been waiting in hope that the tax cuts would be extended to provide Danny and I the funds that we're hoping for and today I've been put at ease. And I talked to Danny on Sunday about my fears on Sunday and we decided that even if this wasn't how God was planning on providing for our move, that he'd provide for us somehow, if this was indeed that move he has planned for us.
Now, since I've not been working much really our income is down quite a bit from last year but I intentionally don't declare all of our exemptions that we're allowed because I always feel that I'd rather be owed a refund then have to come up with a payment last minute. It also forces me to save my thoughts of wants for big purchases which usually cuts my wants down by half or more.
I'm determined to make the most of our money but at the same time, I don't want to just buy things because I'm getting a good deal.
Danny and I are currently trying to purge the house of all unnecessary 'things' in preparation to move 2/3 of the way across the country. We're going to be giving things away and selling things of value and in hopes that CO can be a fresh start for us. A leaner lifestyle for us, learning to repurpose things that either don't fit anymore or things that get damaged, learning to buy less, learning to save more when we do buy.
God says that when we are good stewards of what he blesses us with, He will be faithful and provide. To me that means, that debt begets more debt and frugalness should beget fruitfulness. This is of course, is just a theory of mine that I've not known firsthand to be true for a long time now.
I was just moved my the President's address today, and I just had to write something. Since, I've been waiting in hope that the tax cuts would be extended to provide Danny and I the funds that we're hoping for and today I've been put at ease. And I talked to Danny on Sunday about my fears on Sunday and we decided that even if this wasn't how God was planning on providing for our move, that he'd provide for us somehow, if this was indeed that move he has planned for us.
Monday, December 6, 2010
update on my to do list
I finished my Turkey Soup and I canned what we won't eat in the next couple of days
I did two loads of laundry ( I know this wasn't on my list but anyhow)
I stewed and canned one of my three pumpkins and then I ran out of mason jars (the other two will have to wait)
I'm baking pumpkin cake right now
I did kind of wuss out on dinner though (I let Joey chose and she almost always choses hot dogs) so we're having hotdogs for dinner.
The living room is uncleaned and unvacuumed.
I didn't even try to get back to the christmas ornaments I'm making but I may try to get on that after Joey's in bed.
I think that I was rather productive, now I just have to try and find time in the rest of the week to get the other things on my list done. But at least the house is warm and full of yummy food smells.
I did two loads of laundry ( I know this wasn't on my list but anyhow)
I stewed and canned one of my three pumpkins and then I ran out of mason jars (the other two will have to wait)
I'm baking pumpkin cake right now
I did kind of wuss out on dinner though (I let Joey chose and she almost always choses hot dogs) so we're having hotdogs for dinner.
The living room is uncleaned and unvacuumed.
I didn't even try to get back to the christmas ornaments I'm making but I may try to get on that after Joey's in bed.
I think that I was rather productive, now I just have to try and find time in the rest of the week to get the other things on my list done. But at least the house is warm and full of yummy food smells.
Monday is my Saturday
What I mean by that is, I have Monday off of work and it's really the only day of the week that I ever get to sleep in. It's also the day I tend to get most of my bigger projects done. Here's my agenda for the day...
Take out all the trash and start throwing out more things we don't need: check
Use the last of our post t-day turkey: the soup is on the stove bubbling away
Bake something: i haven't even figured out what to bake yet
Stew and can remaining 3 pumpkins:
Can some of the turkey soup for a time when we're not sick of turkey:
Clean and Vacuum living room:
Finish priming our homemade ornaments: they're half done
Get Joey to eat something other than Granola bars and cereal today: so far no dice
Check in on the Senate 'discussions' regarding the tax cuts: we're really hoping that any agreement is made for our sakes
Wow, it looks like so much more than I thought now that I've written it all out. Maybe I'll hold off on the baking project until tomorrow. And I can always just watch Jon Stewart instead of Conan tonight. I really hate that I have to choose though. It was really nice when they weren't both on at the same time. Boo to conflicting Cable programming. Hmm, Decisions...decisions. Well, off to work on that list I suppose. Tootles!
Take out all the trash and start throwing out more things we don't need: check
Use the last of our post t-day turkey: the soup is on the stove bubbling away
Bake something: i haven't even figured out what to bake yet
Stew and can remaining 3 pumpkins:
Can some of the turkey soup for a time when we're not sick of turkey:
Clean and Vacuum living room:
Finish priming our homemade ornaments: they're half done
Get Joey to eat something other than Granola bars and cereal today: so far no dice
Check in on the Senate 'discussions' regarding the tax cuts: we're really hoping that any agreement is made for our sakes
Wow, it looks like so much more than I thought now that I've written it all out. Maybe I'll hold off on the baking project until tomorrow. And I can always just watch Jon Stewart instead of Conan tonight. I really hate that I have to choose though. It was really nice when they weren't both on at the same time. Boo to conflicting Cable programming. Hmm, Decisions...decisions. Well, off to work on that list I suppose. Tootles!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Teaching with movies
So, I am on a mission to teach my little one things that are important. Like History and Science and Reading and Memory skills. All of these things, I'm sad to say, I feel like I did not learn well in public school. Right now I'm watching Newsies
with her. I know it's a fictional movie but it does follow through a real problem that this country went through. And she really likes movies where good triumphs over evil. I'm so proud of this fact. She loves to watch Enchanted and other 'princess' movies but I'm happy to say she loses interest after the the dragon is slain or whichever evil villain happens to be in the movie that she's watching and cares nothing about the happily ever after. Her favorite are the movies with dragons though. I do need to find more movies that can be used to teach. I want to get The Sound of Music and I want to find some fun movies that teach science and things. I want to be able to make learning as fun as I can. I try to teach her things like water displacement in the tub. And she's getting really good at matching games. She's started memorizing her favorite books and I'm just amazed. I'm so proud of my little one and I want to be able to do right by her. I want to keep her constantly challenged. And now, I'm off...She and I are heading to my folks for the day. Danny's going to be gone all day with class and visiting his grandparents and his band Memorare has a gig tonight from like 9pm-1am. If it weren't so stinkin' late I'd totally be there. But the punkin needs to be in bed at a reasonable hour.
Thursday, December 2, 2010

So this week has been crazy. Joey's been in rare form. Nice one minute and a raving terror the next. We've officially decided to get rid of our kitty, Walfredo. She's a lovely kitty and I'm sure she'd be better behaved if she weren't being tortured during all waking hours. As soon as Joey's asleep, the kitty is all snuggles and cuddles. So if you're in the area and you're looking for a kitty, look no further.
We finally put up and decorated our christmas tree. It's absolute insanity. Joey is fascinated with it which was adorable until she started plugging and unplugging it and shoving it and breaking ornaments. And of course the kitty tried to climb it and keeps stealing the low ornaments (she carries them off and hides 'her' toys under our bed). I'm convinced she thinks she's a dog.

We made an advent wreath this year at with some of the other folks at our church. It was great fun. Joey got to glitter the pine cones and I got to be crafty and had fun making bows. It's so nice to have. And, the base, candle holders, pine cones candles and bows are re-usable so I can use them again next year as long I get more pine garland. It smells so nice too. It works out really nicely for us too since real trees are so expensive every year and the artificial ones are getting more and more realistic every year. We have a nice one but I think in a couple of years we'll be able to get one that really looks real. But with pets and children, I just think that real ones are a little unrealistic sometimes. But it is nice to have at least a little bit of something real and pine around.
I'm currently trying to figure out if canning broccoli would be a total bad idea. I never see broccoli canned in the stores but I have a bunch of broccoli that I bought in bulk and I am running out of ways to utilize it before it goes bad. I think I'm going to try and can it either today or tomorrow. I already froze 1/3 of the 2 lbs that I bought. And I cooked up or used another 1/3 of it but I still have 1/3 left to use up.
I'm still working on getting around to making up Christmas cards. I've found a few different different places with nice cards but I took some pictures that I liked and then they turned out all blurry when I tried to fix them up a bit. Maybe I'll just take some of our pictures from the past year and turn them black and white and go that route. Ugh, so undecided. Maybe I'm just over thinking it.
I did finally figure out something that I might like to go back to school for. I've been working on our church's quarterly newsletter at work and I've really been enjoying doing the layout and editing work. I'm now thinking that maybe I'd like to do either graphic design or english. I'm not sure what I'll decide on, but I probably won't actually decide until I find a school out in CO that I like and such of course. I love both writing and design so it's kinda a tough choice.
Well, I think that's all that's been going on with me for a past few days. So, tootles.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Post-T-Day Wrap up
So, Danny and I had a very full few days. It was good for the most part, but very full and now I feel like I need a vacation all over again. We spent Thanksgiving at my husband's aunt's house with his grandparents and all his cousins. It was golly fun. Joey had such a blast and at one point even stood up on a chair and shouted "Everybody, Everybody!" to try and get everyone's attention so that they'd sing 'row, row, row your boat' with her.
We had most of Friday with no obligations. I made room in the Living Room for our tree but haven't yet gotten the tree out of the closet and put it up, maybe today, we'll see. Danny had band practice that night and we all went up so that Joey and Danny's band mate's son could hang and play and they had a grand ole time and made a big ole mess.
Then Joey spent the night puking. :-( We still don't know what caused that one, she puked four times through the night and then seemed fine all the next day. She wouldn't eat anything but crackers and like two bites of chocolate cream pie all day. But she was so looking forward to the family reunion and playing with Maggie and Grammy that I just couldn't break her heart by not going. She's been telling us for weeks that she's going to a dance party with Maggie on Saturday that as long as she wasn't puking, I couldn't think of keeping us all home. Then we stopped at the grocery store on our way home and Danny called his folks to see how their day went and they reminded us about our church's advent wreath making event and Joey wanted to see her LaLa so we headed to do that too. It was a good fun time and Joey had a blast putting glitter on the pine cones.
I'm roasting a 19lb turkey today because it was 50% off at the store yesterday. I just had to get it. I whipped up some quick stuffing with what I had around the house (I forgot to grab some at the store with the Turkey). Danny and I are still contemplating putting up our tree today.
I finally finished my latest bag that I've been knitting. I'll post pics after I get it felted down, hopefully that will give Danny and I time to find our camera. I know it's around here somewhere, but with the Joey and the cat it's hard to know where thing end up sometimes. But we're having a festive type of day over here. Danny's listening to Handel's Messiah and Joey's singing Hallelujah along with all of the songs.
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