So this week has been crazy. Joey's been in rare form. Nice one minute and a raving terror the next. We've officially decided to get rid of our kitty, Walfredo. She's a lovely kitty and I'm sure she'd be better behaved if she weren't being tortured during all waking hours. As soon as Joey's asleep, the kitty is all snuggles and cuddles. So if you're in the area and you're looking for a kitty, look no further.
We finally put up and decorated our christmas tree. It's absolute insanity. Joey is fascinated with it which was adorable until she started plugging and unplugging it and shoving it and breaking ornaments. And of course the kitty tried to climb it and keeps stealing the low ornaments (she carries them off and hides 'her' toys under our bed). I'm convinced she thinks she's a dog.

We made an advent wreath this year at with some of the other folks at our church. It was great fun. Joey got to glitter the pine cones and I got to be crafty and had fun making bows. It's so nice to have. And, the base, candle holders, pine cones candles and bows are re-usable so I can use them again next year as long I get more pine garland. It smells so nice too. It works out really nicely for us too since real trees are so expensive every year and the artificial ones are getting more and more realistic every year. We have a nice one but I think in a couple of years we'll be able to get one that really looks real. But with pets and children, I just think that real ones are a little unrealistic sometimes. But it is nice to have at least a little bit of something real and pine around.
I'm currently trying to figure out if canning broccoli would be a total bad idea. I never see broccoli canned in the stores but I have a bunch of broccoli that I bought in bulk and I am running out of ways to utilize it before it goes bad. I think I'm going to try and can it either today or tomorrow. I already froze 1/3 of the 2 lbs that I bought. And I cooked up or used another 1/3 of it but I still have 1/3 left to use up.
I'm still working on getting around to making up Christmas cards. I've found a few different different places with nice cards but I took some pictures that I liked and then they turned out all blurry when I tried to fix them up a bit. Maybe I'll just take some of our pictures from the past year and turn them black and white and go that route. Ugh, so undecided. Maybe I'm just over thinking it.
I did finally figure out something that I might like to go back to school for. I've been working on our church's quarterly newsletter at work and I've really been enjoying doing the layout and editing work. I'm now thinking that maybe I'd like to do either graphic design or english. I'm not sure what I'll decide on, but I probably won't actually decide until I find a school out in CO that I like and such of course. I love both writing and design so it's kinda a tough choice.
Well, I think that's all that's been going on with me for a past few days. So, tootles.
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