Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 1 of Life on a Schedule

So far, my schedule seems to be making life easier. (I know Shocking right?) Anyway, I'm nearly done with my checklist and it's only 2.30.  Yay me! And I've even found time to do some things that weren't on my list. 
Part of my schedule is that Monday's is meal planning day for the week.  Here's what my meal plan looks like so far:

Monday 1.30
b: eggs & cinnamon rolls
l: soup
d: mac&cheese w/ beets
Tuesday 1.31
b: oatmeal
l: Pb&j w/ peaches
d: tilapia & Thai rice with broccoli
Wednesday 2.1
b: cereal
l: soup
d: hot dogs & sauerkraut
Thursday 2.2
b: oatmeal
l: leftover hot dogs & carrot sticks
d: chicken nuggets & s.p. fries
Friday 2.3
b: cereal
l: soup
d: sweet potato &black bean tacos
Saturday 2.4
b: apple pancakes
l: food out while shopping
d: hanging with the Family
Sunday 2.5
b: cereal
l: lunch with people
d: meatloaf & mashed potatoes
Monday 2.6
b: oatmeal
l: leftovers
d: barbeque ribs & broccoli

Not too shabby right?  I'm proud of it, I've been in a bit of a cooking rut lately.  I've been so overwhelmed with life that I have really been slacking off.  I'm glad that I finally feel like I'm getting back on track. 

...In other news, that home-made cleaner that I put up the recipe for, I tried it out today in the kitchen and the bathroom and it works great.  My only complaint is that if you use it to clean the range, the next time you cook, it smells a little funny.  But otherwise it makes the house smell lovely!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fun, fun, and more fun

So much going on here as we prep for Danny starting his new job. 
I made yet another attempt to take the written test for my driver's license.  I am SUPER frustrated.  I went in, they said I had everything but apparently, they can't give me a driver's license or an ID in my married name until I change my name with Social Security.  Social Security won't give me a new social security card with my married name with out a photo ID.  The woman at the DMV was totally understanding of my frustration and gave me a form from them to help the process but I've lost faith in all bureaucracy.  It just makes me want to spit or curse or something just not nice. 
In other news, I finally broke down and made myself a weekly household cleaning/chore schedule.  I've been putting it off for so long in hopes that I'd find a rhythm myself, but for 5 years now that's failed and I've lived in a only occasionally clean home because of it.  So, on to plan B. 
I had such a good day today.  Norah seems to finally be moving her feeding schedules further apart sometimes though not a night.  I really wish that would change, but she's up every 3 hours all night long, like clock work.  Ahh, to have a night of uninterrupted sleep.  I miss it, but Norah's just such a sweety.  She's so snugly and giggly right now.  I just love hanging out with her.  I could honestly go days doing nothing but making faces at her and playing with her.  I miss those days with Joey too. 
Oh well, I'm off, I need to go finish the dishes and get a shower.  Good Night internet world. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stuff and things

So many things have been going on lately.  Joey has had two bouts of some little bug.  She woke up on Sunday at 5am threw up twice then she was fine all of Monday and Tuesday and then today she woke up at 5.30am threw up twice and has been fine since.  I don't know what it is but I hope it's over with. 
Yesterday, I attempted to take the written test to get my driver's license once again.  I went in to the Hamden DMV at 9am thinking I had everything I needed but somehow two important documents weren't there so we rushed home I found said documents and rushed back only for them to send me away again.  Apparently my birth certificate was unacceptable.  The woman told me that it was a little faded in the center and quote, "might not scan."  She wasn't even willing to try. (This is where I screamed at her a little, but only in my mind.)  She assured me that other than that, I had all the papers that I needed and gave me a card that will allow me to skip the line when I got back.  That's on our agenda for tomorrow.  Especially with Danny's new full time job that he starts on Monday.  I need to be driving A.S.A.P. 
So, I had to go to the Bristol, CT city hall to purchase a new one.  I had just called my mom on Monday trying to find a time for us to come up anyway. 
This is where my day got good.  Danny and I decided that we just had to make some headway on this, we've been to the DMV 5 times in the past 3 month trying to get my written exam over with.  So, I called my folks to see if they'd be up for hanging out and we hopped on the highway.  I was in and out of the Bristol City Hall in 15 minutes with no hassle.  YAY for small town city halls!!  I stopped by my old school where my mom works and got to show off the kiddos to my 4th grade teacher. (Love her!) Picked up my sister from school. And while my mom worked, Joey and her got to play all afternoon. Joey was so happy! I love to be able to make that happen, and sometimes it just touches me extra. 
When my mom got home from work, she watched the kids and Danny and I got to go visit my grandmother in the nursing home.  She's going through a battle with a Melanoma in her mouth and just finished up chemotherapy and is heading into her Radiation treatment soon.  It was good to see her.  I haven't been able to see her since before she was diagnosed.  Every time I've been up to visit one or both of the kids was either just getting over something or had a cold.  I've felt so bad about not visiting but it's just not a risk you take with a chemo patient.  She's doing so great though.  She's such a trooper!  It's her second battle with cancer and she just has such a great attitude.  It's amazing what a little faith can do. I'm so glad that I was finally able to visit. 
And today I've been up since 5am with Joey.  I hope she'll be fine again tomorrow and Friday.  She was so upset that I had to call her school and tell them that she couldn't attend today.  Even though I explained to her how it works that she can't go to school when she's sick or she could get the other kids sick, she was still crying for me not to call her teachers.  I think the poor girl thought she could go in later if she was feeling better.  I'm really glad she loves school so much.  I waffled so much between whether home school or pre-school was the right choice and I'm delighted by how well the program she's in suits her.  She really is a Montessori girl. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A cleaner clean

So, things have been looking up at the Palm Tree House.  Danny's doing well at his job, I'm plugging away at mine.  Coupon-ing has been helping us keep our budget under control.  And I'm on a mission do see where in our budget I can trim even more fat.  Here are my next two steps:
I found a recipe for household cleaner that has all edible components, has a nice smell, and I can buy all the ingredients using my SNAP benefits which means less money coming out of my out of pocket expenses. 
To make simple household cleaner combine one part vinegar to four parts hot water, mix in fresh grapefruit juice and baking soda and let it sit for a few minutes. 
Recipe from Pittman & Davis.
I have baking soda around for baking, I got three grapefruits on sale at the store the other day and I just got two gallons of white vinegar at Sam's Club for $4.  I think I'll be set for a while! A container of "green" cleaner usually runs about $6 but I just got supplies to make probably a years worth for $6. I call that a win!

Next, I found a tutorial for making stiff fabric storage bins for Joey's room using things I already have around the house. (That counts as free to me) And it'll help me (and her) to keep her room clean.  I'm hoping cleaner will help baby proofing to be easier.  My goal is for the girls to be sharing a room but right now the room is barely big enough for one girl let alone two once Norah is more mobile. 
Well, I'm off; the baby needs to eat!

Monday, January 2, 2012

and She's back!

The Palm Tree Family has internet again!! WooHoo! oh Yay, it makes me feel so much more connected.  I can check email and facebook and pinterest all from the comfort of home.  So helpful!  Now I'm on a mission to use said internet to save us some money and make our lives a little healthier.  So far I've found tutorials on how to make deodorant, shampoo, body wash, dishwasher detergent, and dishwasher rinse aid.  I've found stuff for lotion and laundry detergent but I'm a little wary on those topics.  I've such finicky skin that I'm not sure what to put in a lotion that would keep my skin from gong nutso.  And we have shared laundry in our building and I don't want to be taking up other people's space with my stuff if I don't have to.

I have a few resolutions for 2012:
1. Get my driver's license (I've been working on it for what seems like FOREVER and something always seems to get in my way).
2. Get the baby to sleep through the night.
3. Get the baby to sleep in her crib (not co-sleeper) for more than 15 minutes at a time.
4. Make 5 diaper bags to sell.
5. Finish 3 house projects before adding more to the list.
6. Plan and send out Christmas Cards (for the first time in our 5 years of marriage).
7. Start teaching Joey to cook.
8. Make more space in the apartment.
9. Start making regular blog posts. 
10. Start savings accounts for both girls. 

I have plans for the following year.  My hubs and I have plans for the following year.  We have plans for the girls.  We are in a good place, we're looking forward and making plans.  We're doing more than just reacting to our circumstances.  I am hopeful for the coming year.