Monday, January 2, 2012

and She's back!

The Palm Tree Family has internet again!! WooHoo! oh Yay, it makes me feel so much more connected.  I can check email and facebook and pinterest all from the comfort of home.  So helpful!  Now I'm on a mission to use said internet to save us some money and make our lives a little healthier.  So far I've found tutorials on how to make deodorant, shampoo, body wash, dishwasher detergent, and dishwasher rinse aid.  I've found stuff for lotion and laundry detergent but I'm a little wary on those topics.  I've such finicky skin that I'm not sure what to put in a lotion that would keep my skin from gong nutso.  And we have shared laundry in our building and I don't want to be taking up other people's space with my stuff if I don't have to.

I have a few resolutions for 2012:
1. Get my driver's license (I've been working on it for what seems like FOREVER and something always seems to get in my way).
2. Get the baby to sleep through the night.
3. Get the baby to sleep in her crib (not co-sleeper) for more than 15 minutes at a time.
4. Make 5 diaper bags to sell.
5. Finish 3 house projects before adding more to the list.
6. Plan and send out Christmas Cards (for the first time in our 5 years of marriage).
7. Start teaching Joey to cook.
8. Make more space in the apartment.
9. Start making regular blog posts. 
10. Start savings accounts for both girls. 

I have plans for the following year.  My hubs and I have plans for the following year.  We have plans for the girls.  We are in a good place, we're looking forward and making plans.  We're doing more than just reacting to our circumstances.  I am hopeful for the coming year. 

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