Monday, January 31, 2011

Such a slacker

I've been feeling like such a slacker lately.  I'm been so tired and just crazy wiped out lately.  I'm usually all go-go-go.  But not this go around.  Oh well.  Maybe my body is just storing up energy in preparation for being a mommy of two (I hear that can be exhausting as well).  I've been a little stressed out too which I'm sure doesn't help.  I can't seem to get myself to eat enough.  I've been losing weight this past week.  I'm trying to hold steady where I'm at.  I'm not supposed to be gaining any weight but it is not healthy to be losing weight either.  So, Danny made me brownies last night with a lovely peanut butter swirl and marshmallow chunks.  So YUMMY!! My hubby takes such good care of me.
We've been getting a little snow logged and I hear that there's more on the way but I'm just plugging my ears and singing, "lalalalalala!" We've already lost our regular parking spot to the 3 foot snow banks of the first storm.  Then we lost our back up parking spot to the 7 foot snow banks of the second set of storms.  The 2nd back up spot that Danny found will be under parking ban tomorrow and Danny's beginning to wonder weather just letting it get buried and leaving it until spring is a viable option (not really but it's nice to dream).  I've a little concerned because we've all got dentist appointments this week for the first time in 11 years for me, joey's first ever and Danny has some serious dental work to get done.  We finally got through to a dentist that takes our insurance (woo hoo!)  It's time to get cracking already.  I just don't want to have to reschedule.
I started feeling teeny tiny baby kicks this week.  I love that feeling.  It's only right after I eat and only if I'm laying still that I can pick them out but that little one is in there for sure, and boy oh boy the somersaults going on.  I so hope that I'm nearing the end of all the yucky feeling and I can start to get some of my baby prep list working.  I've got so much to do to get ready.  I can't wait to get started, I just wish that I felt well enough to get going already.  I have baby blankets to make and bedrooms to redecorate.  Danny and I are switching our larger room with Joey and little #2 so that we can fit the crib and Joey's new bed both in one room.  We've also got a bunch of crap that needs to get thrown away.  And I've decided to try and use up some of the fabrics pieces that I've got lying around to make a nice large rag rug for the kids room and to get them out of our closet.  I'm trying to not over purge but at the same time we need way more space if another person is going to fit into our little 800ish square foot apartment with us.  At least we've got the hard part (the plan) done and ready to move on as soon as I feel up to getting it going.  I've planned out the few new purchases (all IKEA) that we need to make in order to make some order to our space.  And I've been scouring craigslist to try and find the same or similar options for cheaper.  I think I can, I think I can.

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