Friday, February 18, 2011

Salty fresh goodness

I don't know what it is about the beach that is just so centering for me.  The salty fresh air (today it was slightly tainted by the smell of skunk), the rocks and the water.  It's a magical place for me.  I feel like everything will be o.k. when I'm at the beach no matter what my circumstances are.  Today it was muddy and still a little snowy but it's still the beach for me.  The seagulls cawing over head.  Joey throwing shells into the sea.  Danny and I taking turns pushing the stroller or carrying Joey around the massive puddles and piles of dog poo that got buried in the snow and are now re-appearing.  All the non fun bits are totally washed over by the fact that it's the beach.  The soothing wonderful beach.  The sound of the waves and the salty wind revive me.
I don't know what I'll do without it when we move to CO.  I'm an ocean girl, not a mountain girl.  But I'm sure I'll be able to find a rock and a babbling brook somewhere to still my soul.  That's what I used to do when I was in high school.  I'd go to the park and I had my little spot by the brook, and my tree by the pond.  I could watch the snapping turtles swim and the tad pole blossom.  I miss nature so much sometimes.  I need more nature! I really do.  I will have my place one day. Where that will be, I don't know.  God doesn't seem to be leading me to a firm place yet.  We're still in a transitional place as a family.  With another one on the way and a move to CO next year everything is all up in the air.
I don't know where I'll end up.  I don't even think I have a place that'd I'd prefer.  I mean I loved living in Philly, but I would not want to try and raise kids there. Delaware was nice and I always loved visiting but I've never lived there.  Kittanning, PA and the family farm will always have a piece of my heart, but I don't think that Danny could be that far away from everything.  Boulder, CO has definite potential but I've never been there and going now at God's urging and not my own so who knows where life will take me.  Hopefully somewhere warmer or at least sunnier.
I can't take all the grey and gloom of New England sometimes.  I need some more sun, I need to be not cooped up in the house so much.  I need to be outside and digging in the dirt and running around with my little one(s).

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