Monday, April 18, 2011

Crazy Monday

So, it's Holy Week and Danny's 30th Birthday week.  AHHHH!!! Can we say, crazy combo?  His party is tomorrow and I have so much to do but I sit here blogging because I don't know where to begin so I thought, if I need to write things out to clear my head, I might as well put them here for all the world to see.
On my to do list for today & tomorrow: cut up all the cheese for my homemade ham(made in the slow cooker overnight lst night), cheese and cracker platter; put away all the clean laundry(joey helps with this one); clean & vacuum the living room; make lunch & dinner; adjust my meal plan since I forgot to take into account the hubby's party last week when I made it; figure out what joey wants to get danny for his birthday; do dishes; get danny's present wrapped before he gets home and tears into it before I can(major fail on this one); organize joey's room more;  see if I can get into her closet and find her Easter sweater that fell somewhere(Could not find it in there)); try and make some progress on my craft projects(just to get it out of my head); print out my Target coupons(tmrw); get all the paper supplies for Danny's party; get Joey and I showered and clean(tonight); fill the pinata for the party; try not to forget about the to do list in favor of nesting projects.
Pretty exhausting right?!
It's not a lot of stuff especially since I do have Joey around to help with some of the things on my list and she's a really good helper.  And I know that I can do it.  I KNOW I CAN!  I just have to keep moving & I need a soundtrack to modivate me(add that to the to do list).  Now to start with my meal planning.

breakfast: eggs and ham
lunch: pb&j and oranges
dinner: shrimp lo mein

breakfast: berries and yogurt
lunch: Target coupon for the marketplace while getting party supplies
dinner: PARTY TIME

breakfast: cereal & bananas
lunch: leftovers
dinner: Leftover party food

breakfast: oatmeal & raisins
lunch: cheese ravioli & peas
dinner: hotdogs & beans

breakfast: cereal & oranges
lunch: Sam's Club combos
dinner: grilled cheese & tomato soup

breakfast: bagels & berries @ Easter Egg Hunt Outreach
lunch: nutella sandwiches & oranges @ EEHO
dinner: chicken tikka masala & rice noodles

breakfast: cereal & bananas @ church
lunch: Church Easter Potluck
dinner: leftovers

OK, meal plan done, Joey's working on a card for Danny and I've found a playlist(at least for the time being).  3 down, 20 more to go!! Here's to progress(fingers crossed)!

UPDATE: I got most of that done before 2pm.  I think I shall reward myself with extended craft time. Woot Woot!

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