Thursday, April 21, 2011

So, Yeah

It's my one day of lull before craziness ensues.
Danny's birthday on Tuesday was wonderful.  Lots of people showed up and loved on my hubby.  He got lots of fun presents and everyone was super excited that I found him a bike that fits him.  I'll have to post pics of the bike soon.  It's being kept in the basement at the moment since it'd most likely be stolen if we left it outside.  Danny's been itching for the weather to cooperate on his non-school days so that he can take it for a real ride but I think today's going to be it for a few days yet and he really wants to get his school work that's due next week done before holiday madness breaks out.
The other day, I finally started that painting that I've been wanting to get started on for my girls.  I got a lot done so far.  I'm still stuck as to how I want the sky to look and I can't really finish up with the rest until I get a new palate knife (I don't know what happened to mine).  So, I'm making progress on that which makes me happy.  I really love painting, I could paint for days straight if I were ever to have the time or space.
I was nesting really bad last week and I started some sewing projects and it seemed that just as I got all my pieces cut out and pieced together, my sewing machine broke.  UGH!  I proceeded to sew some of it by hand but hit a snag since some of my pieces need to have elastic attached.  Luckily my mother-in-law is really great with sewing machines and used to work for a repair shop.  She took a look at my machine and told me that what I thought was wrong was indeed broken and she couldn't fix it herself and that it would cost at least $100 to get it repaired.  Oh well! Since I can get a new machine for the less than that, I said goodbye to that lovely machine(It lasted me almost 10 years).  And will soon be moving on to a new one (Woot Woot!).  I have it all picked out and I just need to go get it before the sale price runs out at the end of the month.
Tomorrow is Good Friday and Danny's actual birthday and we have tons going on this weekend.  I really wish that I could somehow slow time down just for the weekend so that I can get everything done and still enjoy the whole thing.
P.S. Please pray that our Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday doesn't get rained out.  For some of the kids that we put it on for, it's the only egg hunt that they can get to.

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