Saturday, May 28, 2011

Things and things

So many things going on lately.  Where to begin.  I know I've been slacking lately in my blogging (sorry!), we had two computer's die on us in the past few weeks.  Ok, not die per se but make themselves unusable for the time being.  The laptop will no longer take a charge but otherwise works fine, we just can't get any juice in it too use it, Danny took it apart and fixed what he could but he thinks there's a small component in the power system that needs to be replaced.  Then our desktop got a virus (at least it waited until Danny finished his finals).  So now we are sans a computer with Word which means that one (preferably both of them) need(s) to be fixed before the fall semester begins.  It's honestly a good thing that Danny hadn't gotten around to cleaning out our old desktop otherwise I'd not be typing now.
So, now that Danny's through with finals we've begun planning how exactly our move to Colorado is going to work.  We'll either be moving in March or May of 2012.  That's what we've narrowed it down to. We probably won't finalize a date until Danny either finds work, or begins school again, whichever comes first.  If he's able to find a decent job to tide us over until March, we'd prefer to move sooner.  If he's not able to find work, then he'll go back to school in the fall and we'll wait until the end of the spring semester.
I had my oh so fun glucose test on Wednesday.  Lord knows that's always fun.  But for once, I got a phlebotomist that not only found my vein on the first try but managed it without me wincing.  Usually it takes a few tries before they're able to find a vein on me.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I also had a neurologist appointment on Thursday which took way longer than I thought it would.  But it turned out pretty good.  The doctor thinks I just have a really bad case of restless leg syndrome which he recommends that I take iron supplements and magnesium for (horray for the homeopathic!).  I'd so rather take vitamins than medication.  He also suggested something I find totally silly, putting a bar of Ivory brand soap in between my sheets at night while I sleep.  He said he doesn't get it either but enough people have said that it helps, that it's made it's way into the medical literature.  (WOW right?)
Danny sold our Saturn today! And boy oh boy did we need that, I'm still not sure if we'll be getting his SSI this month so it's nice to know where at least rent is coming from this month.  Yay for small blessings.  It's one less thing on my mind.  Danny's been working really hard at streamlining our household assets as well.  We're trying to get rid of all the things that we're not planning on taking with us to Colorado when we move.  So, I've gotten rid of clothes and we're going through books and selling off what we can and giving away what we can't.
Danny's even been trying to sell off some of his non-essential musical instruments and the things that go with them.  I'm so proud of him.  He's really trusting God to provide for us when we get out there and I know that it's really hard for a musician to part with his instruments and I'm just so proud of him.
Joey and I are almost finished with our third book in the little house series.  She's really been enjoying it. She calls the books Ma & Pa, which I think is just super cute!  Every time I say that I'm going to read some more, she asks if we can read all the pages, and I have to explain that we most likely won't get to all the pages since it's nearly time for bed.  But it's become a really great wind down routine before bed time & nap time.
Now, if only I could figure out how to keep my living room clean, but that's a project for another day.  Joey's making me a tea party while I'm making lunch so I should jet.  Tootles!

Monday, May 16, 2011

God is Faithful

I have been burning myself out lately as some of you may know.  Working, being a mom, pregnant, looking for work, Danny's been in school full time (he finished his last final today) and has been looking for work himself (we're hoping to here this week on a job that we think would be a perfect fit for him).  We've been struggling but scraping by and it's just a world of stress. 
We decided that this year we were both going to try and carve out time for ourselves to have some alone time before the baby comes.  Our church has an annual Women's Retreat that has really kept me from going over the edge the last two years that I attended (courtesy of some lovely ladies that gave me anonymous scholarships).  I was beyond grateful. 
This year Danny and I decided that no matter what I would go and we would trust God to come up with whatever funds were needed to make that happen.  Then two weeks ago, all hell broke lose with our finances and we still felt like God meant for me to go but we now had less than what we needed in our bank account and my unemployment was under review and our utilities were cut off and Social Security threaten to pull Danny's SSI due to our bank changing names.  UGH, right? 
So, we've been trusting God with it and been honest with the people around us.  Our church blessed us by paying a god portion of our rent after we had to use the money we had for it to get our lights turned back on.  I've been on the phone with Unemployment everyday for nearly two weeks to make sure that they aren't cutting me off.  The ladies had a last minute scholarship open up for half of the cost of the retreat for me.  But we still had only $2 in our bank account and no gas in the car.  I had to decided for the final count yesterday whether I would go or not, even though nothing had come through yet.  We still felt like it was something that I needed and that I should go.  So, I told them that I was going and made arrangements to pay the weekend afterwards. 
Today, I finally hear that Unemployment is back on track and according to my balance I'm getting all of my back weeks benefits that I've been waiting on, deposited in our account, TOMORROW!  Yay!  I can pay to go to the retreat.  Danny's done with finals.  My in-laws gave us a little gas money to hold us over.  Hopefully, Danny will be able to get to a clinic today after his other dr's appointment (he's not been feeling well).  I should now be able to get things worked out with SSI this week now that I know what I'll be receiving from Unemployment.  Then hopefully, I'll be able to get things in order to file for hardship with the utility company once I have my paperwork from Unemployment and SSI so that they can't shut us off again. 
Things plummeted very fast and now they're back on the upswing.  God is good and faithful!  And sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith and trust Him before we can see what's coming.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baby Quilt

I DID IT!!  I finished the quilt.  I started yesterday afternoon, after baking a cake (ahh, those pregnancy cravings).  And then, I kept truckin' away until 10:30 and got it DONE!  Yay!! So here's some pics of the quilt along the way.
my pieces and backing all cut out
my kitchen table complete with Mother's Day Flowers from the hubby
my first block
next step, lining up all the little blocks
all pinned to the backing and ready to quilt
all quilted now just to do the edging
Joey helped me pick out all the fabrics.  I tried to keep it in the same color family as Joey's baby quilt.  Joey's is pink and brown with hints of green so we went with pink and green with brown accents for Norah's quilt.  Norah's blanket also has some gold threading in two of the fabrics.  Joey liked them best because they were sparkly. 
Danny said he thinks that it's better than Joey's baby quilt.  I tend to agree.  I made Joey's quilt 3 years ago and I've since learned some things about quilting since then.  I also have a rockin' new machine to quilt with now. 
Now, Joey's asking me to make a blanket for her baby(her cabbage patch kid).  I think I'll make that one out of something else but I'm planning on using the scraps from Joey's quilt (yep, I still have some) and some of the scraps from Norah's quilt to make a cover for the changing table.  Something patchwork-y.  I think it'll be fun.  But that's a project for another day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Nesting Monday.

Wow, I feel like I've accomplished so much today.  Joey and I had a relaxing morning and a busy one all at the same time.  I woke up bright and early (it's becoming a habit, not of my own choosing).  I checked my email, ate breakfast and did some other random internet browsing before waking the hubs for school. 
Then I just hung out with him for a bit before Joey woke up, which didn't take long.  Got her changed and fed.  Danny left for school and I had Joey clean up her toys and she got a movie reward (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs).  I must say, I am a sucker for movies where the dorky guy gets the girl. 
Then she and I did some coloring and she helped me scoured the bathroom.  I cleaned the kitchen and scoured the sink & other surfaces while she had a snack.  Then I made lunch.  Wow, that's a lot off of my list for the day.  I am determined to get cracking on the sewing stage of Norah's baby quilt.  I've got all the pieces cut and my first seams pinned and ready to go. 
I've also got to get my meal plan together for the week.  So here we go...

breakfast: cereal & oranges
lunch: cheese tortellini with grape tomatoes
dinner: meatloaf and mashed potatoes

breakfast: leftover pancakes
lunch: pb&j and apples
dinner: slow cooker kielbasa & sauerkraut

breakfast: cereal & bananas
lunch: leftovers
dinner: chicken nuggets & green beans

breakfast: oatmeal & apples
lunch: nutella sandwiches
dinner: fish tacos

breakfast: cereal & oranges
lunch: leftovers
dinner: pasta & italian sausage

breakfast: pancakes
lunch: pb&j and veggies
dinner: roast chicken & veggies

breakfast: oatmeal at church
lunch: party in south windsor
dinner: leftovers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Provision and more

So, I don't know if I've mentioned how much I adore our church.  Danny and I as many of you readers know are in a serious financial pinch lately.  Our church is so lovely, upon hearing about the whole mess with the Energy Assistance program/ our electric company, they are giving us the money to cover our missing rent this month.  I am beyond grateful.  God is so GOOD!

I am currently fighting with Unemployment Insurance over my current claim/extension/something about a new claim that I have to make but am not eligible for because I work for a non-profit.  I don't know but they're not making a decision in any kind of timely manner.  And I've called them everyday this week and gotten a different answer about the same questions but no results.  Why must the headache be so redundant.  I've accepted that I'm not eligible for the new claim, I'm ok with that.  I kind of have to be, it's the law and it's not up for negotiation.  So, why not just drop it and let me keep what I've got.  It seems like so much work on their part, to fight for me to get something we both know I can't have, when I'm not asking for it.  I just need my check this week (and next for that matter) to pay for things like gas and rent and our other bills that are all due at the beginning of the month. 

I hate bureaucracy! I've never understood the point of making people jump through hoops for things that they need.  Have some compassion and just do your job efficiently.  It makes the most sense for everyone involved.  But, I'm keeping calm about it all, and I'm having faith.  God will make what needs to happen, happen. 

On a totally other note, I finished cutting my pieces for Norah's baby quilt.  It's looking so cute.  Joey helped me pick out all the fabrics and they're just perfect.  The colors match her baby quilt but aren't quite the same.  I'm also going to be using a different pattern to make Norah's so that they're sure not to get confused.  I'm very excited for it.  It's going to be such fun to make.  I just need to give myself time to get the house back to a state of clean before busting out another mess.  I'm almost there.  Some of the pieces of my last project are still lingering around.  Joey likes to 'help' so, things wind up a little bit of everywhere. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Feeling Better

So, I know my last post was a little *RARR*.  Sorry for that!

Feeling better today.  I've still got a whole lot on my plate to work out and it certainly is not an easy process but I'm working my way through all the steps.  It seems like there's way more work involved than I had thought, but that's ok.  I'm taking things step by step (at least for the time being).  I'm making phone call after phone call and it's oh so fun being on hold and fighting through red tape. 

But our food stamps came in for the month and at least now I have food in the house.  So, on to my weekly meal plan. 

breakfast: bagels & oranges
lunch: sandwiches & tomatoes w/hummus
dinner: Frozen pizza & sauteed squash

breakfast: cereal and bananas
lunch: hot dogs & chili
dinner: pasta salad

breakfast: oatmeal & apples
lunch: pb&j and tortilla chips
dinner: Sam's club combo

breakfast: cereal & bananas
lunch: chicken nuggets & salad
dinner: bean burritos

breakfast: pancakes
lunch: kielbasa & sauerkraut
dinner: potato salad

breakfast: oatmeal at church
lunch: church snacks & leftovers
dinner: roast chicken & green beans

breakfast: eggs & oranges
lunch: nutella sandwiches & veggie sticks
dinner: meatloaf & mashed potatoes

breakfast: cereal & bananas
lunch: leftovers
dinner: chicken stir fry

Yay for one more thing off my to-do list.  Now to my next task for the day.  I'm going to try and finish cutting my pieces for Norah's baby blanket today.
Yesterday we had an ultra-sound appointment to get those last vital pics of our little one before she gets here.  She's growing right on schedule.  Everything was perfect!  We even got some awesome profile face shots too.  Looks like this little one will have that trademark 'Palmquist' chin.  Not really shocked on that one.  I've heard that a cleft chin is one of those genetic markers that if either parents have it, it's guaranteed to be passed on.  She also appears to have a nose a bit more like Danny's and his dad's and less like mine or Lisa's (like joey has).  I'm excited to see her little face! 
And when I was talking to my midwife this time around, I finally got a referral to a neurologist about my leg and neck spasms.  It's only taken 4 years and two pregnancies to finally get someone to hear me that it's not just a weird pregnancy symptom.  But YAY!!  The lovely nurses even helped me find a GP that is not only taking new patients but also takes my insurance.  I've been needing one.  I love my midwives group!! They are awesome!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Frustrated Monday

So, this week is not off to a great start but I'm hoping it will get better soon. (Please God, let it get better soon!)  Yesterday, I couldn't file my regular Unemployment claim, sometimes it happens so, I just figured I'd call today.  Then our power was disconnected this morning.  (We have quite the back balance with the electric company.)  I'd been expecting to have to deal with it sooner or later I suppose.  So, I get that turned back on but only after giving them 2/3 of the money that we have in our bank account, which was 2/3 of our allocated rent money.  WHEEEEE!!!
I signed up for financial hardship with them (again).  Let's hope I can keep them from turning it off next month too.  I had been trying to apply for Energy Assistance with the state but their office isn't open without an appointment and I'd been calling every month since August to get an appointment or even just the paperwork that I needed to file with them.  They kept blowing me off, telling me to call back in this month or that month, I kept calling.  They finally send me the paperwork, I got it FOUR DAYS AFTER IT WAS DUE.
I don't know if I should blame them or our horrible postal delivery person who has lost many a package due us and now no longer dares deliver packages at all, we just have to go pick them up.  And if there's no tracking information, we don't even know they're here since she won't even leave those lovely little slips that they're supposed to leave. 
Then I get my brain back and call unemployment to deal with my other headache for the day.  I stayed on hold for a good half hour.  Th woman was very helpful.  She got my account set up again but then forgot to take my information to file my weekly claim. UGH!  Now, I'm hold for another potential half hour (or more if they decide to take lunch before taking my call).  I really hope that I can get this taken care of soon and then do something fun.

I need to make a to do list for the day but I already feel so emotionally drained.  I need to make a meal plan for the week but I don't have any food in the house and our food stamps don't come in until tomorrow but we don't have time to actually get to the store until Thursday.  I don't know what to do with myself.  I think I just need to zone out and watch a cheesy kids movie with Joey.  But, then I'd have to get her to clean up the living room to get the reward of a movie.
Head Smashing KeyBoard

Crafty McNester Pants

Last night I worked diligently and finished the diaper bag I've been working on.  I'm so proud of myself.  It's perfect and I used up a ton of scraps and It looks great.  
front inside

front with flap and strap

inside pocket

It's so cute.  I just need to add a few closures and it's all done.  Woo Hoo!!  I also made this car organizer last week. 
back or car seat organizer
I love it too!  Nice and bright for all things baby related when we need to have a stash of quickly accessible things for rides in the car.  I installed it the other day and I totally need to take a picture of it in. 
I've still got a baby quilt on my craft to do list and some other ideas that I'm still kicking around before our newest little makes their appearance.  I want to make myself another maternity dress but I still haven't found the right fabric for it (at the right price).  I will find it though, I'm sure.  I just know that I'll be needing something cute to wear this summer.  I made a really cute maternity dress when I was pregnant with Joey but I don't know what happened to it. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Reflections

So, I'm enjoying some last few minutes of quiet before Sunday morning really begins.  Next week is Mother's Day and I'm almost in shock to think that next year, I'll have two little girls to celebrate with.  It makes my heart smile.  Joey is just getting so big and I almost can't believe that my pregnancy is winding down again.  And soon our bustling little household of three will be a household of four.  We still don't know how we're going to make all the schedules work, but somehow, it will.  God will provide, that I'm sure of.
The weather's getting warmer and it's so fun to be outside.  I love spring.  The only thing that would make spring better for me would be if I had a yard to plant in.  I was talking to my grandmother the other day, and I was telling her how I ache to garden and plant things.  She said simply, 'we come from farmers, it's in your blood.'  How true that is!  She grew up on a farm, my mom grew up on a farm, I spent my summers growing up on a farm.  There's nothing like it in the world.  No city can compare to it.  No matter where I go, it's with me.  My heart longs to farm, to have my life ebb and flow with the seasons.  I can't escape it, and I can barely contain it.  I feel most myself and most connected to God when I'm doing something with my hands or when I'm out in nature.  It's my home.
It makes me yearn more for our move to Colorado.  I've been peeking at places out there only sporadically since we postponed the move, but it makes me excited to know that since cost of living is so much lower out there and since the lifestyle out there lends itself more to self-sufficiency, I might actually be able to have a yard, or at least a little piece of land to dig in and grow things.  We are just floundering here sometimes.
There is so much pressure in New-England to perform, perform, perform! And with the job market being so flooded, and work being so hard to find (and neither of us having found any in quite some time), it'll be really nice for the change of pace.  Not to mention the change in cost of things.  Generally, the cost of living out in CO is 60% of what it is here.  Such a big cut for us since we're living in a constant state of deficit.
For those of you not up to date on our finances: We have 0 money.  We're living off of Social Security Supplemental Income, Unemployment benefits, my part-time wages, food stamps, coupons and anything we can save after books from Danny's Pell Grant from school.  It's not much and it doesn't sustain us.  We haven't paid our utilities in over a year and we just keep praying that the lights stay on, but we have no means to pay them.  It's all we can do to keep the rent paid and food on the table and diapers of Joey's tush (though hopefully not much longer on that last one).  Now, our SSI got pulled, though I'm hoping that's just a technicality due to our bank changing names.  One of us needs to find work or some means of support SOON.  But God hasn't shown us where that will be coming from yet.  We keep looking but we're not finding.
Any prayers you'd be willing to throw up for us would be greatly appreciated.  We sure could use the extra intercession.  Danny's finishing up finals this month and he's trying to figure out if God even means for him to go back to school in the fall or if he needs to work (should he be able to find any).  It's a rough road we're on.  There's a light not only at the end of it but not too far off by the way of Colorado, but the mean time however is totally unclear to us.
Well, I should go wake up the family and get us moving and ready for church.  I'm excited for what God has in store for us.  I just wish that I could see it a little better.