Thursday, May 5, 2011

Provision and more

So, I don't know if I've mentioned how much I adore our church.  Danny and I as many of you readers know are in a serious financial pinch lately.  Our church is so lovely, upon hearing about the whole mess with the Energy Assistance program/ our electric company, they are giving us the money to cover our missing rent this month.  I am beyond grateful.  God is so GOOD!

I am currently fighting with Unemployment Insurance over my current claim/extension/something about a new claim that I have to make but am not eligible for because I work for a non-profit.  I don't know but they're not making a decision in any kind of timely manner.  And I've called them everyday this week and gotten a different answer about the same questions but no results.  Why must the headache be so redundant.  I've accepted that I'm not eligible for the new claim, I'm ok with that.  I kind of have to be, it's the law and it's not up for negotiation.  So, why not just drop it and let me keep what I've got.  It seems like so much work on their part, to fight for me to get something we both know I can't have, when I'm not asking for it.  I just need my check this week (and next for that matter) to pay for things like gas and rent and our other bills that are all due at the beginning of the month. 

I hate bureaucracy! I've never understood the point of making people jump through hoops for things that they need.  Have some compassion and just do your job efficiently.  It makes the most sense for everyone involved.  But, I'm keeping calm about it all, and I'm having faith.  God will make what needs to happen, happen. 

On a totally other note, I finished cutting my pieces for Norah's baby quilt.  It's looking so cute.  Joey helped me pick out all the fabrics and they're just perfect.  The colors match her baby quilt but aren't quite the same.  I'm also going to be using a different pattern to make Norah's so that they're sure not to get confused.  I'm very excited for it.  It's going to be such fun to make.  I just need to give myself time to get the house back to a state of clean before busting out another mess.  I'm almost there.  Some of the pieces of my last project are still lingering around.  Joey likes to 'help' so, things wind up a little bit of everywhere. 

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