Monday, May 16, 2011

God is Faithful

I have been burning myself out lately as some of you may know.  Working, being a mom, pregnant, looking for work, Danny's been in school full time (he finished his last final today) and has been looking for work himself (we're hoping to here this week on a job that we think would be a perfect fit for him).  We've been struggling but scraping by and it's just a world of stress. 
We decided that this year we were both going to try and carve out time for ourselves to have some alone time before the baby comes.  Our church has an annual Women's Retreat that has really kept me from going over the edge the last two years that I attended (courtesy of some lovely ladies that gave me anonymous scholarships).  I was beyond grateful. 
This year Danny and I decided that no matter what I would go and we would trust God to come up with whatever funds were needed to make that happen.  Then two weeks ago, all hell broke lose with our finances and we still felt like God meant for me to go but we now had less than what we needed in our bank account and my unemployment was under review and our utilities were cut off and Social Security threaten to pull Danny's SSI due to our bank changing names.  UGH, right? 
So, we've been trusting God with it and been honest with the people around us.  Our church blessed us by paying a god portion of our rent after we had to use the money we had for it to get our lights turned back on.  I've been on the phone with Unemployment everyday for nearly two weeks to make sure that they aren't cutting me off.  The ladies had a last minute scholarship open up for half of the cost of the retreat for me.  But we still had only $2 in our bank account and no gas in the car.  I had to decided for the final count yesterday whether I would go or not, even though nothing had come through yet.  We still felt like it was something that I needed and that I should go.  So, I told them that I was going and made arrangements to pay the weekend afterwards. 
Today, I finally hear that Unemployment is back on track and according to my balance I'm getting all of my back weeks benefits that I've been waiting on, deposited in our account, TOMORROW!  Yay!  I can pay to go to the retreat.  Danny's done with finals.  My in-laws gave us a little gas money to hold us over.  Hopefully, Danny will be able to get to a clinic today after his other dr's appointment (he's not been feeling well).  I should now be able to get things worked out with SSI this week now that I know what I'll be receiving from Unemployment.  Then hopefully, I'll be able to get things in order to file for hardship with the utility company once I have my paperwork from Unemployment and SSI so that they can't shut us off again. 
Things plummeted very fast and now they're back on the upswing.  God is good and faithful!  And sometimes we just have to take that leap of faith and trust Him before we can see what's coming.

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