Saturday, December 4, 2010

Teaching with movies

So, I am on a mission to teach my little one things that are important.  Like History and Science and Reading and Memory skills.  All of these things, I'm sad to say, I feel like I did not learn well in public school.  Right now I'm watching Newsies
 with her.  I know it's a fictional movie but it does follow through a real problem that this country went through.  And she really likes movies where good triumphs over evil.  I'm so proud of this fact.  She loves to watch Enchanted and other 'princess' movies but I'm happy to say she loses interest after the the dragon is slain or whichever evil villain happens to be in the movie that she's watching and cares nothing about the happily ever after.  Her favorite are the movies with dragons though.  I do need to find more movies that can be used to teach.  I want to get The Sound of Music and I want to find some fun movies that teach science and things. I want to be able to make learning as fun as I can.  I try to teach her things like water displacement in the tub.  And she's getting really good at matching games.  She's started memorizing her favorite books and I'm just amazed.  I'm so proud of my little one and I want to be able to do right by her.  I want to keep her constantly challenged. And now, I'm off...She and I are heading to my folks for the day.  Danny's going to be gone all day with class and visiting his grandparents and his band Memorare has a gig tonight from like 9pm-1am.  If it weren't so stinkin' late I'd totally be there.  But the punkin needs to be in bed at a reasonable hour.

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