Monday, December 27, 2010

Feeling Accomplished

So, I've been feeling like a lazy bum lately.  I've been feeling really tired physically but I'm trying to keep active but it's been really hard the past few days.  This makes me feel yucky in general.  Then I was thinking about it and I've actually been doing a lot but it's all research type stuff(which is why I'm not feeling active).
 Danny and I are trying to spend the little time that he has off between semesters to try and get a plan in place for May.  So, as it stands now.  We're getting applications and such on hand for when we move.  I'm looking into places to live and trying to keep to our set budget.  I've also bee researching moving companies and have been trying to plan our route out there.  I want to be able to visit folks along the way if we can and see some sites perhaps.
I'm also looking into cloth diapers and I've found all the materials that I need to make them here, and I can make them waterproof too. I should be able to use most of my fabric scraps that I already have and will only have to purchase some diaper specific materials.  Like snaps to make them one size fits all, velco for the closure, the Waterproof PUL fabric, extra elastic and microfiber terry cloth for the soaker pads.  When the time coms of course.  This of course will depend on whether or not we can find a place out there with it's own laundry.  I'm not going to wash diapers in a shared laundry, it's just rude I think.
I've got loads of ideas.  I just need to make sure that I formulate a cohesive plan and actually put it into action and not just wing it like I have a tendency to do.
One thing that really makes me happy is knowing that unless we're having a boy, I have almost everything that I need already for this baby.  All we really need is a new diaper bag since ours is falling apart and Danny and I have chosen one that's really nice and pretty gender neutral.  We got one last time that was all synthetic materials and it's just fallen apart.  This one's way more expensive than the last one that we got but it's washable and it'll hold up better I think and I'm hoping we can find something less expensive but I we need a diaper bag that Danny's going to actually use so it might be worth it.

Then Danny and I might need a sit and stand stroller too since Joey's really into walking by herself so I think we'll make do with what we have for now at least but I did find a sit and stand stroller that we like should we get one.  And obviously we're not buying anything until we're out in CO, we don't want to buy stuff just to have to pay to haul it across the country.

So, we're pretty gung ho about moving in May/June.  The only thing that could hold us back at this point will be if some health problems come up during this pregnancy.  Which is a possibility.  I still haven't been able to drop the 70lbs I gained after that first Doctor put my on Birth Control.  I have been able to get down to 5-10lbs below my pre-Joey weight but I seem to be stuck right around there.  I'm hoping to try and not gain any weight this pregnancy.  But I'm still a little worried about gestational diabetes since it does run in the family, but I'm withholding my fear for a little while.  At least that's what I'm telling myself.

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